Sunday 2 January 2011

The Hangover

I just tried putting in few experiences of mine in a form which I call a poem!!!
Let me know how is it....

I woke up when it was already noon
and was still under a fainting spell
or some kind of a swoon.
All I could think of was my thirst
and I heard one of my drunk friend say
"Water got over last night, you need to go out and buy it first".

As I gathered strength
and moved out of something which looked like a makeshift bed
I felt a splitting ache, right there
right there at the center of my head.
This was when for the first time
scenes from the last night flashed across my mind.
After few drinks I telling my friends
"Bar got closed, but alcohol we shall still find...."

Now the picture from last night got more clear
Me and my friends sitting at a pub mixing scotch and beer
The night went by
the girls looked hotter and the weather got hot
we guys tried few tequila shots.
As We ordered for the expensive ones
trust me ,idea was just to have some plain fun!

We moved out discussing girls and the numbers we managed to exchange
rating them on a weird scale having a very narrow range.
Finally headed home
Carrying few bottles of wine,we were all high five
I remember a friend, a swine, who said "only i will drive".

This is all i managed to remember...

And the bill??????

Eldest of us with the card, paid the bill.
we decided to go dutch and pay him later
who knew to our pockets it will be such a crater!
Today we woke up just in time to realize
the card was swiped as much as thrice!!!


  1. The card was swiped only twice!!!

  2. Dude let imagination do its job!!! :)

  3. this is what happened to you and aakash last time... i guess so (a little exaggerated form rather) but very cooly written bro...
    hats off (!=
